How about Skusta Clee's genr?
Skusta Clee Genr: Hip hop; trap; R&B
How old is Skusta Clee? When is Skusta Clee's birthday? Where is Skusta Clee born? Where did Skusta Clee grow up from? What's Skusta Clee's age?
Skusta Clee Born: February 16, 1996 (age 27years), Taguig, Philippines
How about Skusta Clee's member_of?
Skusta Clee Member_of: Ex Battalion; O.C. Dawgs
How about Skusta Clee's instrument?
Skusta Clee Instrument: Vocals; guitar
How about Skusta Clee's full name?
Skusta Clee Full name: Daryl Jake Borja Ruiz
How about Skusta Clee's group?
Skusta Clee Group: O.C. Dawgs
Is Skusta Clee still a member of ex battalion?
Skusta Clee's Music Skusta Clee's music is a blend of hip-hop, rap, R&B and reggae. His songs are often about love, relationships and life experiences. He often raps in Tagalog and English and incorporates other elements into his music such as dubstep and electro.
Why is Skusta Clee famous?
Skusta Clee's Music Skusta Clee's music is a blend of hip-hop, rap, R&B and reggae. His songs are often about love, relationships and life experiences. He often raps in Tagalog and English and incorporates other elements into his music such as dubstep and electro.
What kind of music is Skusta Clee?
Skusta Clee's Music Skusta Clee's music is a blend of hip-hop, rap, R&B and reggae. His songs are often about love, relationships and life experiences. He often raps in Tagalog and English and incorporates other elements into his music such as dubstep and electro.