How old is Mauro Icardi? When is Mauro Icardi's birthday? Where is Mauro Icardi born? Where did Mauro Icardi grow up from? What's Mauro Icardi's age?
Mauro Icardi Born: February 19, 1993 (age 30years), Rosario, Argentina
Is Mauro Icardi married? When did Mauro Icardi get married? Who's Mauro Icardi's married to? (Who's Mauro Icardi's husband / wife)?
Mauro Icardi Spouse: Wanda Nara (m. 20142022)
How about Mauro Icardi's parents?
Mauro Icardi Parents: Analia Rivero, Juan Icardi
How about Mauro Icardi's sibling?
Mauro Icardi Sibling: Ivana Icardi, Martina Hernndez, Alessandro Hernandez, Aldana Icardi, Guido Icardi
How about Mauro Icardi's team?
Mauro Icardi Team: Galatasaray S.K. (#9 / Forward)
How tall is Mauro Icardi in meters or centimeters?
Mauro Icardi Height: 5 11
How about Mauro Icardi's salary?
Mauro Icardi Salary: 750,000 EUR (2023)
Why is Icardi at Galatasaray?
Two players have played for both clubs: Brazilian striker Christian, who caught the attention of the Turkish giants when he scored a brace against them in UEFA Champions League (2-0, on 13/03/2001), and Lorik Cana.
How rich is Icardi?
Two players have played for both clubs: Brazilian striker Christian, who caught the attention of the Turkish giants when he scored a brace against them in UEFA Champions League (2-0, on 13/03/2001), and Lorik Cana.
How many Ligue 1 goals does Icardi have?
Two players have played for both clubs: Brazilian striker Christian, who caught the attention of the Turkish giants when he scored a brace against them in UEFA Champions League (2-0, on 13/03/2001), and Lorik Cana.
Who has played for PSG and Galatasaray?
Two players have played for both clubs: Brazilian striker Christian, who caught the attention of the Turkish giants when he scored a brace against them in UEFA Champions League (2-0, on 13/03/2001), and Lorik Cana.