How old is Jerry Moran? When is Jerry Moran's birthday? Where is Jerry Moran born? Where did Jerry Moran grow up from? What's Jerry Moran's age?
Jerry Moran Born: 1954 (age 69years), Great Bend, KS
How about Jerry Moran's movies?
Jerry Moran Movies: Koch Brothers Exposed
Is Jerry Moran married? When did Jerry Moran get married? Who's Jerry Moran's married to? (Who's Jerry Moran's husband / wife)?
Jerry Moran Spouse: Robba Moran
How about Jerry Moran's education?
Jerry Moran Education: KU School of Law (1982), University of Kansas (1976), Fort Hays State University
How about Jerry Moran's descendants?
Jerry Moran Descendants: Alex Moran, Kelsey Moran
How about Jerry Moran's previous position?
Jerry Moran Previous position: Representative, KS 1st District (19972011), Kansas State Senator (19891997)
How about Jerry Moran's current office?
Jerry Moran Current office: Senator (R-KS) since 2011
What happened to Jerry Moran?
He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010 after defeating fellow U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt in a contentious primary. He was reelected to the Senate in 2016 and 2022. Moran became the senior senator and dean of the Kansas congressional delegation in 2021 when Pat Roberts retired from the Senate.